SAY Soccer Compliance Information

Background Screening (Only for Coaches, District Reps, and Board Members)

CLICK HERE to be re-directed to the SAY Soccer Background Screening. Once you submit the screening, you will receive a 6-digit confirmation code on the screen and through email. Keep that confirmation number to submit during 2025 registration on

Concussion Certification

ALL coaches, district reps, board members, and referees MUST complete this training course prior to participating in the any SAY activity whether it be a practice or a game situation. 

There are two approved options for the FREE online training program consists of two approved options, either of which is acceptable: 

The FIRST APPROVED OPTION is provided by the National Federation of State High School Associations Concussion in Sports – What You Need to Know, which can be found at This online course will require you to click on the "order here” button to begin the training. It will ask you to complete a brief registration form prior to beginning the course, which is solely for the purpose of registering you in their data base as having successfully completed the online material. After you have completed this course you will be given the option to print out a personalized certificate of completion (It is suggested that this certificate by printed out in pdf format, otherwise your name may not appear on this certificate). 

The SECOND APPROVED OPTION is through the Center for Disease Control and their Heads UP Concussion in Youth Sports Online training program, which is available at

Click on the online training course button to begin your training. After successfully completing the on-line training, you will be offered an opportunity to print out a personalized "certificate of completion”. FYI - this option does not keep a record of your completing this training. 

After completing either the FIRST OR SECOND APPROVED OPTION, you will need to print out your personalized "certificate of completion” and keep a copy with you at ALL SAY related functions (especially referees, as you may be required to show your personalized certificate to the appropriate SAY authorities prior to being allowed to officiate any games). 

You must save a copy of your certificate to your computer to have for your records and to submit during registration on

SafeSport Certification

ALL coaches, district reps, board members, and referees ages 18+ MUST complete this training course prior to participating in the any SAY activity whether it be a practice or a game situation. 

The full training is completed in year 1, with a refresher course in years 2, 3 and 4. The full training is completed again in year 5. Those that have previously completed the training and/or refreshers should be notified approximately 30 days prior to certificate expiration to complete the newest course. The newest course should be available in your account 30 days or sooner prior to expiration.

Please refer to the instruction sheet provided by the league and/or your district representative for how to complete the training.

You must save a copy of your certificate to your computer to have for your records and to submit during registration on